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爱丁保罗夫:自然探索60年 7.7
大小: 7.94 G 清晰度: 720P 人气: 4
视频: AVC, 25.000fps, 16:9
英语, 2.0声道, DTS, 48.0KHz
爱丁保罗夫:自然探索60年/Attenborough: 60 Years in the Wild
BBC 25 部
【译  名】: BBC 艾登堡禄-野外60年 【原  名】: BBC - Attenborough: 60 Years in the Wild (2012) 【年  代】: 2012 【类  别】: 纪录片 【语  言】: 英语 【电 视 台】: BBC 【官  网】: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00zsqsr 【集  数】: 3 【片  长】: 59 mins 【简  介】: 为纪念大卫.爱登堡爵士(Sir David Attenborough)从事野外生物考察和献身生态电视片创作60周年,BBC公司推出《大卫爱登堡野外探索60年》系列。 作为一位世界知名的自然史学、生物学家和生态纪录片制作人,大卫.爱登堡创作了一系列具有热烈反响的电视片。特别是2001年那部纵览海洋世界的《蓝色星球》,更是在世界各地广受欢迎。在进行拍摄的50年间,大卫.爱登堡和他的同事们以勇敢的冒险精神,和对科学探索孜孜不倦的热情,深入全球每个角落,为获取最广泛,详尽的资料,拍摄了许多令人惊叹的珍贵镜头。这些花费大量时间,资金和精力制作的纪录片,内容涉及科学,历史,文化和环保各个领域,以揭示物种起源,探索生物进化,研究人与环境的协调发展为目的,具有严肃的科学,教育意义。同时,利用令人难以相信的拍摄技巧和唯美的艺术手段所创作出的精彩画面,又不失大众观赏的娱乐价值。 在近二十部电视系列片中,每部作品都因内容丰富奇特,画面精致壮观,叙述简洁生动而吸引观众。这些宝贵的精神财富不仅以极高的收视率创造了电视史上前所未有的神话,而且也为大卫.爱登堡赢得无数的奖项和荣誉。现在他制作的电视片已成为众多生态,影视爱好者观赏、收藏的顶级佳作,同样在学术上也是各院校,科研机构用于教学和研究的必备资料。 Part 1: Life on Camera 在近半个世纪的创新的野生动物电影制作中,David Attenborough提出了他的独特的观点。他再次访问并回顾了在他的电影制作历程中的关键地方和事件,通过他旧照片的回忆他的那些难忘的野生动物的镜头:包括他抓一只科摩多龙(世界上最巨大的蜥蜴),与海豚一起游泳。回到他常去的加里曼丹(婆罗洲)他回想起那一次在蝙蝠洞中摄影的挑战,他是如何使用个现代科技让我们能看到那里。 Part 2: Understanding the Natural World David Attenborough回顾了在他的一生中改变了我们对地球上的生命的认识的科学的发现。生命最初是在哪里开始的?是怎样开始的?大陆是怎样漂移的?动物间是怎样交流的?它们为什么要那样表现?Attenborough跟我们分享了他作为科学家的记忆以及帮助他形成他自己的职业的突破。 Part 3: Our Fragile Planet 在最后一部影片中,在他的有生之年反映出人类对于自然世界的巨大影响。他讲述着和他一起工作的自然资源保护论先驱者在最上一个60年所看到的令人惊叹的变化,以及世界性的对于自然世界的观点的革新。在他从伦敦动物园到加里曼丹(婆罗洲)的丛林的旅行中,他披露了是什么激励他成为了一个自然资源保护论者。他记得自己与山地大猩猩,蓝鲸,巨型陆龟等的经典相遇之旅。这些都改变了公众对于自然世界的观点。 Over three very personal films, Sir David Attenborough looks back at the unparalleled changes in natural history that he has witnessed during his 60-year career. 1/3 Life on Camera Sir David Attenborough gives his unique perspective on over half a century of innovation in wildlife filmmaking - developments that have brought ever more breathtaking and intimate images of wildlife to our television screens, changing our view of life on the planet forever. He revisits key places and events in his filming career, reminisces with his old photos and reflects on memorable wildlife footage - including him catching a komodo dragon and swimming with dolphins. Returning to his old haunts in Borneo, he recalls the challenges of filming in a bat cave and shows how with modern technology we can now see in the dark. 2/3 Understanding the Natural World David Attenborough reviews the most exciting scientific discoveries that have transformed our view of life on earth during his lifetime. How and where did life first begin? How do continents move? How do animals communicate? And why do they behave the way they do? In a story of individual passions, dedication and ingenious insights he shares his memories of the scientists and the breakthroughs that helped shape his own career. He also recalls some of his more hair-raising attempts to bring new science to a television audience - by standing in the shadow of an erupting volcano as lumps of hot lava crashed around him, by being charged by a group of armed New Guinean tribesmen and the extraordinary sight of chimps hunting monkeys, captured on camera for the first time by Attenborough and his team. 3/3 Our Fragile Planet Sir David Attenborough reflects on the dramatic impact that humankind has had on the natural world within his own lifetime. He tells the surprising and deeply personal story of the changes he has seen, of the pioneering conservationists with who he has worked - and of the global revolution in attitudes towards nature that has taken place within the last six decades. In a journey that takes him from the London Zoo to the jungles of Borneo, Attenborough reveals what inspired him to become a conservationist. He remembers classic encounters with mountain gorillas, blue whales and the giant tortoise, Lonesome George. These are all characters that have helped to change public attitudes to the natural world. 更多介绍......
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